Words to Live By...11-13-2017

https://imgur.com/UUHEozhSomeday, everything will make perfect sense,
but for now, learn to laugh at the confusion,
Smile through the tears,
and keep reminding yourself
Everything happens for a reason.
(though that reason isn't always clear straight away!)

What's Up With That Name?

Boxzart...yeah, its pretty weird at face value, but if you think of Mozart = beautiful piano music and then meeee = beautiful hand-painted boxes (all sizes, from trinket to treasure boxes) then it starts to make sense...a little.

Kinda cheezy? Yeah, maybe, but that is me I guess. 
I'm not trying to impress anybody, its hard enough trying to impress myself.  

To make it even more confusing, I don't even make those boxes anymore.  It was too stressful trying to keep up with demand and all so I shut down my Etsy shop and and soldiering on through the cyber madness to ensure my basic survival...at least until the zombie apocalypse, then its game on. 

It's every man for himself then and I'll be squirreling to a secret bunker in the hills, looting every canned goods and ammo store I come across between here and there.  Sorry, got carried away.

 I'm all about finding my truth, my true self these days. I have been wanting to do this blog forever but as the title says, I am a master of Procrastination, and that critter just don't like being corralled.

Bring Back 60s Art!

Recently, I had the opportunity to do a private commission for several 60s style posters, you know, the kind with bright psychedelic colors and crazy font manipulation. 

Only hitch was they had to be vecor!  Which basically meant double the time it would take, but they came out awesome.

Havn't had that much fun in a long time!  I found it very inspiring and now I'm on a mission to reinvent this art style...maybe with a more muted palette. Maybe in photoshop.

Badass Bionic Cat Tee!


I wanted to share my latest Tshirt design that makes me, an avid dog person, want a cat!. 

It is for a client who loves the image but wants some text...like a meme. 

I'm drawing a blank except for "Hellooo....dog" only its Hannibal Lectre's voice in my head.  I welcome any and all suggestions.

Wild Elves

So I have discovered that I can be pretty obsessive when I get a design concept I really like as I tend to create images in sets and lately more like series. 

I have quite a few "Collections" as I will call them, such as beefcake angels (I know, I know) Anime, Fantasy Gardens, Phat Phlora(c), Demons, Zodiac, etc.  My latest obsession was Elf Heads.  I wanted the essence of this forest creature without having to draw the whole body as it was a small canvas.  So I ended up with this one I call Azure...